I have a receiver app (stock version from cast-ios-sample) that is correctly getting downloaded from my whitelisted URI, according to the debug panel on port 9222. However, the console spits out these lines shortly thereafter from google's hosted cast_receiver.js (referenced in the receiver.html file)
[ 0.162s] [goog.net.WebSocket] An error occurred: undefined
[ 0.172s] [cast.receiver.ChannelOverWebSocket] Dispatch ERROR event to ws://localhost:8008/system/control
[ 0.177s] [cast.receiver.Channel] Dispatch ERROR event to ws://localhost:8008/system/control
[ 0.182s] [cast.receiver.Platform] Platform channel has an error: ws://localhost:8008/system/control
Then after a series of these errors (presumably on a retry loop):
[ 8.335s] [cast.receiver.Platform] This device doesn't support the platform API.
If I try to manually establish a WebSocket connection to ws://localhost:8008/system/control I simply get an undefined response.
Is there something that I'm missing?