I Am using Arduino UNO and SIM900A module for GSM + ARDUINO based communication.I used following code to call a specific number but nothing happens,
void setup()
void loop()
Serial.println("ATDTxxxxxxxxxx;"); //where xxxxxxxxxx is a 10 digit mobile number
delay(30000); // wait 20 seconds.
Serial.println("ATH"); // end call
do // remove this loop at your peril
while (1>0);
whereas when i used ATDTxxxxxxxxxx; in minicom while communicating with SIM900A module, i was able to call(AS ATDxxxxxxxxxx was giving No carrier error, so i used " ; ").Similr is the case with Sending message. I am getting "+CMS ERROR: 302" while i am using
AT+CMGS="Mobno." //after this i get the error.
I am not able to send the message through minicom + SIM900A GSM module and i want to test it with Arduino.I think i am having some problem with settings of SIM or either module.I even tried to reset the settings of SIM , but nothing worked out.