
is there a 64-bit preview compiler available, as announced a long time ago? I wasn't able to find anything.

I really need a 64-bit compiler to target the 64-bit versions of Microsoft Office.

I would really like to see a 64-bit preview compiler too. It's just not good enough that they're so far behind the field in this area.Rowan
This historical question is no longer useful. The 64 bit compiler was released later than some people might have hoped, and is stable now. Delphi XE2 and XE3 both ship with 64 bit delphi compilers. As of 2013, this question is of only historical interest now.Warren P

5 Answers


Not yet.

According to the latest roadmap Delphi X and Chromium seem to be the current priorities, followed by Commodore, so I'm not sure when a 64 bit preview compiler will be available.

If you want an early peek at these things, it might be worth signing up for the betas.


Trial version of Delphi XE2 are now available: https://downloads.embarcadero.com/free/delphi .


I just received an e-mail about the 64-bit Beta. http://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi/64-bit Looks like priority goes to registered XE users, and you'll need to sign an NDA and you cannot distribute apps built with the beta.