I am trying to define a lineChart in nvd3 with a domain scale on the x-axis. I can't get it to work. The first issue is that the voronoi code blows up. But even if I turn voronoi off, the x-axis still just shows a range of -1 to 1, instead of my domain values.
I think a workaround would be to assign numbers to the x-axis values, and then use a tick function to draw the text. But I want to figure out why I can't make it work with an ordinal scale.
Below is the code I have tried. My data works with other models, so I think the data is ok. I tried using the xDomain function to set the domain, and I also tried using the xAxis property to set a custom scale. Neither one seemed to do anything.
var lineData = [{ "key": "% Kernel CPU", "values": [{ "x": "Exe1", "y": 6.693271 }, { "x": "Exe2", "y": 0.8129451 }, { "x": "Exe3", "y": 71.3511437 }] },
{ "key": "% User CPU", "values": [{ "x": "Exe1", "y": 93.7063302 }, { "x": "Exe2", "y": 23.158042000000002 }, { "x": "Exe3", "y": 74.19397850000001 }] }];
var xdomain = ["Exe1", "Exe2", "Exe3"];
$('#test').append('<svg style="width:100%;height:400px;"></svg>');
nv.addGraph(function () {
var chartObj = nv.models.lineChart();
chartObj.xAxis.tickFormat(function (d) {
if (d.length > 15) {
return d.substring(0, 13) + '...';
return d;
//var xScale = d3.scale.ordinal();
d3.select('#test svg').datum(lineData)
return chartObj;
? – Lars Kotthoff