
For some reason, everything was working perfectly. Then suddenly it started showing this error: Uncaught cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close' . Here is my code:

function loginshow() {


function loginhide() {
    $("#login_button").hide("fade", 100);
    $("#login_button").css("height", "75px");
    $("#logmein").bind("click", loginshow);

function must_login() {

        width: '400',
        draggable: false,
        resizable: false


function hide_must_login() {

I am using jquery 1.6.0 and jquery ui 1.9.0 if that helps. I cant update to anything above 1.7.0 because I need the .live() function.

You can see it live here.

Click Check in at the top and try to close that dialog.

Please help

Why do you need the .live() function?Naftali aka Neal
I am just one of the developers for the website. Don't ask me why the others want it so much.Thomas Lai

1 Answers


You are binding click event on multiple close buttons since you have many close buttons having class close. Same is the case with dialogs having dialog-close class.

Provide a particular id to each dialog and its close button..

And then Use this code...

$("#checkInDialogCloseButton").live("click",function(){ $("#checkInDialog").dialog("close");});