For some reason, everything was working perfectly. Then suddenly it started showing this error: Uncaught cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close' . Here is my code:
function loginshow() {
function loginhide() {
$("#login_button").hide("fade", 100);
$("#login_button").css("height", "75px");
$("#logmein").bind("click", loginshow);
function must_login() {
width: '400',
draggable: false,
resizable: false
function hide_must_login() {
I am using jquery 1.6.0 and jquery ui 1.9.0 if that helps. I cant update to anything above 1.7.0 because I need the .live()
You can see it live here.
Click Check in at the top and try to close that dialog.
Please help
function? – Naftali aka Neal