I am new to prolog. I have a .pl file consulting normally on swi-prolog, but when I consult it on tu-prolog, crazy things always happen. Here are parts of my codes.
:- dynamic(assignopT/6).
:- multifile(assignopT/6).
When I consulted it on tu-prolog,it said syntax error at/before line 12219,which is the third line above. It work all right on swi-prolog. Then I thought maybe there is something wrong with +, so I changed it to this.
This time,it said syntax error at/before line -1. I really don't get this, what line -1 even suppose to mean. The .pl named swi2tu.pl is on https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4KCEwRVmr_yWjQwOEp3LWpYdk0&usp=sharing