This question entails rotating an image given as a 3D matrix where the first dimension is width, 2nd dimension is height, and 3rd dimension contains x,y,z coordinates.
Currently I am plotting a surface using the following code
Now, I have a 3-D matrix where it's a 100x50x3. All x data is in the or layer of the 3rd dimension, y is the second layer...z the third. Now I need to apply a 3x3 rotation matrix on the x y and z data. I know how to reshape a matrix to do this I think....just put it into a 3 row by...50000 column matrix then apply the matrix.
Next I need to update my plot in a loop. I was going to then do the following, where I have also included my new matrix calculation.
ToFparam.ROI.XYZ_Vector = ToFparam.ROI.XYZ;
ToFparam.ROI.XYZ_Vector = reshape(ToFparam.ROI.XYZ, [size(ToFparam.ROI.XYZ,1)*size(ToFparam.ROI.XYZ,2),3]);
ToFparam.ROI.XYZ_Vector = ToFparam.ROI.XYZ_Vector';
ToFparam.ROI.XYZ_DICOM = inv(DICOMparam.calib.navi2dicom(1:3,1:3))*inv(,1:3))*ToFparam.ROI.XYZ_Vector;
%refresh plot standard cuts
set(Fig.sub1im,'CData', Color);
set(Fig.sub1im, 'XData', ToFparam.ROI.XYZ_DICOM(1,:) + DICOMPos(1)/Fig.sub2samp);
set(Fig.sub1im, 'YData', ToFparam.ROI.XYZ_DICOM(2,:) + DICOMPos(2)/Fig.sub2samp);
set(Fig.sub1im, 'ZData', ToFparam.ROI.XYZ_DICOM(3,:) + DICOMPos(3)/Fig.sub2samp);
When I update my plot, I get no errors, but it doesn't look like it's plotting it correctly. It seems like it makes a huge offset on my data and positions it somewhere I don't want it to be positioned. I wouldn't expect that a rotation matrix effects the scaling, just the orientation. Let me know if there are any faster/better ways to accomplish this surf plot, thanks!