I have a 3 nested for loop that produces a vector, but each time it runs through the loops the vector that is produced changes size. I need to save each of these vectors at the ended of the for loops, so I was thinking of using mat2cell and store them in a cell. But I don't know the code get out a cell vector that will contain each of these different sized vectors.
I will give an example code
for ip = n_low:n_up
for jx = x_low:x_up
for jphi = phi_lowx:phi_upx
lx = find_path(ip,jx,jphi,0,1);
A_r = volumeintegrate(integr_final_r , r , z , phi);
Obviously, you don't know what these variables are or the numbers but I think its not needed to solve the problem. Anyways A_r is what is spit out at the end of the loops, but A_r varies in size as the loop repeats itself. I need to save every A_r vector.