I import the logged in user's data from server into a Core Data Entity called "User". I also keep a reference of this specific User object onto my AppDelegate (as a property) so I can access it elsewhere in my app. The problem I am facing is, when I push another view controller and try to access appdelegate.loggedInUser.id , I see that "id" is nil. Debugger shows this for the object :
$24 = 0x0b28ad30 <User: 0xb28ad30> (entity: User; id: 0xb261160 <x-coredata:///User/tC48E8991-B8A6-4E68-9112-93F9F21DB5382> ; data: <fault>)
My understanding was that the Core Data framework would fire the fault the moment I try to access one of the properties of this object. I am confused as to why me accessing the "id" property of the user is not firing a fault in this case?
This is how create and use the loggedInUser object :
//method to get bgContext
+(NSManagedObjectContext *)getContextOnBgWithParentSetToMainMOC
NSManagedObjectContext *tmpContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
[tmpContext setParentContext:[Utils getAppDelegate].managedObjectContext];
return tmpContext;
//in App Delegate
NSManagedObjectContext *bgContext = [NSManagedObjectContext getContextOnBgWithParentSetToMainMOC];
self.loggedInUser = [User importFromObject:loggedInUserData inContext:bgContext completionBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *theContext, NSManagedObject *theManagedObjectWithValuesImported) {}];
//In User.m file
+ (User *)importFromObject:(NSDictionary *)dictionary inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context completionBlock:(TemporaryContextImportReturnBlock)block {
if ( !context ){
context = [NSManagedObjectContext getContextOnBgWithParentSetToMainMOC];
NSManagedObjectContext *localContext = context;
User *newUserEntity = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"User" inManagedObjectContext:localContext];
NSArray *emailsArray = [dictionary objectForKey:@"emails"];
NSString *emailsString = @"";
if ([emailsArray count] > 0){
emailsString = [emailsArray componentsJoinedByString:@","];
newUserEntity.emails = emailsString;
newUserEntity.id = [dictionary objectForKey:@"id"];
newUserEntity.n = [dictionary nonNullObjectForKey:@"n"];
return newUserEntity;
//Access in one of the view controllers
User *loggedInUser = [Utils getAppDelegate].loggedInUser;
// loggedInUser.id /*nil*/
? That's a temporary object ID, so it looks like you're using a managed object ID from before the object was saved. – Tom HarringtonbgContext
, how is it created? is it for a background thread? – WainperformBlock:
. – Wain