I'm a beginner in hibernate 4 & Spring 3.2 stuffs. I have read some tutorials and discussion on stack but i don't find a clear answer to my questions. And i think the best way to understand is to ask and share knowledges !
Here we go! So you create each time a Pojo, a Dao , a Service class, with methods annotated transactionnal. That's ok. I'm using Sessionfactory to handle my transaction. I'm looking for good practices.
1- If you want to use Delete Method and Save Method from the same Service, how will you do to make it works in a same transaction. When i look at the log, each method are executed in different transactions.
This SampleServiceImpl:
public void save(Sample sample){
public void delete(Sample sample){
// A solution could be that , but not very clean...there should be an another way, no?
public void action(Sample sample){
2- If you want to use Delete Method and Save Method from different Services class, how will you do to make it works in a same transaction. Because each method in each service class is handled by a Transactionnal annotation. Do you create a global Service calling all subservice in one method annoted Transactional
public void save(Sample sample){
public void save(Participant participant){
// A solution could be that , but not very clean...there should be an another way, no?
public void save(Participant participant,Sample sample){
3- And the last question but not the least .If you want to use several Methods from severals service in one global transaction. Imagine you want to fill up 5 or more table in one execution of a standalone program. How is it possible because each Service to have his proper transactional method, so each time you called this method, there is a transaction.
a- I have successfully arrive to fill up two tables in a sample transaction using Mkyong tutorial and cascade property in the mapping. So i see how to make it works for one table directly joined to one another or more tables. b- But if you have a 3 tables Participant -> Samples -> Derived Products. How will you fill up the three tables in a same transaction.
I don't know if i'm clear. But i would appreciated some help or example on that from advanced users. Thanks a lot for you time.