I think i have a fundamental problem of understanding how to access vars in a View form other controllers.
I read the Ember-Documentation many times and "hundreds" of Blog-Entries, but i did not find a solution.
After Submitting a Loginform, i want to set the var "isLoggedIn" from Auth Controller / Model and output it in the Login View. Auth will be used later from many other Components, thats why i want to separete it from Login.
Here is a small part of my code:
Template: Login
Authenticated: {{controllers.auth.isLoggedIn}} <--- after Login this should be TRUE, but how ?
...LoginForm: here is the login form with input fields (email and password)...
Controller: Login
var LoginController = Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: "auth",
// LoginForm Submit-Event
login: function() {
App.Login.createRecord(this.getProperties("email", "password"));
DS.defaultStore.commit(); // on server respond, id of model.login is changed, see "idObserver"
Model: Login
var Login = DS.Model.extend({
email : DS.attr("string"),
password : DS.attr("string"),
// Because of Ember Bug i have to use idObserver after "DS.defaultStore.commit()"
// to get the ID responded from the server.
idObserver: function() {
var auth = App.Auth.create();
auth.set("id", this.get("id"));
Controller: Auth
var AuthController = Ember.Controller.extend({
isLoggedIn: false // What should i write here to connect to isLoggedIn of Auth.Model ???
}); // Controller
Model: Auth
var Auth = Ember.Object.extend({
isLoggedIn: DS.attr("boolean"),
idObserver: function() {
if(this.get("id")) this.set("isLoggedIn", true);
else this.set("isLoggedIn", false);
How can i output "controllers.auth.isLoggedIn" in the Login Template ?