When I install the Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK Refresh I get the error:
Not Installed: Visual Studio 2005 SP1 or Later
I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional Beta 2 installed.
Please can you tell me how I can resolve this?
I don't know if there's any workaround for this particular case, but Visual Studio and its add-ons are in general notorious for requiring exact versions of all dependencies, leading to conflicts that often make it impossible to install the versions you want of everything.
Personally I keep a virtual machine for each Visual Studio environment to keep the dependencies happy. You might benefit from running either VS2010 or VS2005 or both in a VirtualBox/VirtualPC/VMware.
Don't waste your time installing 2008!
You can override this in the installation file:
Extract the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 install file to a directory via unzip tool;
Edit the baseline.dat in the directory like this
REM original is InstallOnWinXP=1
and save;
Run the setup.exe of the directory with paremeter via running utility or command line of start menu .
For example X:\xx\setup.exe /web
The error message, for failing to meet system requirement, won't pop up again and the installation continues.