               itemId   : 'shippinglist',
               title    : 'Shipping Services',
               height   : 500,
               layout   : 'fit',
               collapsed: true,
               items: [{
                       xtype    : 'list',
                       itemId   : 'list2',
                       store    : 'Checkout',
                       itemTpl  : '<div>Shipping Type: {shipping_type}</br>Amount: ${amount}</div>',

the above is one of the items in the accordion view. my problem is I want to add a radio button to each item in the list so that I will know what shipping type the user has selected. Can I add radio button in itemTpl inside div.please help me on this issue


1 Answers


In this example, http://jsfiddle.net/jdflores/9Lrb8/1/, you can see how it's done for an Ext.view.DataView in ExtJS. The 'list' in Sencha Touch is a descendant of this class. Anyway, the technique can be applied to both because it's mostly is based on css and framework selectors.

.x-item-selected {
    background : #ffc url(../path/to/a/checked/checkbox) no-repeat 5px center;