I have an e-mail script that I am using to send an e-mail inside SSIS. NOT using the e-mail task since I cannot ping a server from the mail task and it is easier from an e-mail script. Also, the script is a lot better in many ways.
This e-mail script is simple, checks if the server exists, validates the e-mails, and sends the e-mail out.
ISSUE: In my "From" line in the e-mail script, I am using my e-mail address, and when I upload my package to the Integration Services Server and run it, the e-mail task sends the mail successfully. But, when someone else runs my package on the server, the e-mail task succeeds but, no e-mail is sent. No exceptions are thrown nor there are any failures overall. When I switch the "From" e-mail address to their e-mail address, and they run the package: it sends the mail. And when I try to run it with their e-mail address in the from line, it fails to send e-mail.
We use this:
mySmtpClient.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
for crendentials.
So, my question is: Is there a workaround for this? Do you think this is a windows authentication issue? If there is a workaround, can you please direct me towards one or provide one? Thank You.
be updated to whoever is running the package, or that it works for everyone to send it from your email address? – Hart CO