
I'm not only new to Laravel 4, but new to using frameworks. I thought I'd start with Laravel since it's gotten such good reviews. I've got a good install of Laravel. I go to /l4/public and see the welcome page.

I'm trying to add a route to routes.php so that when I navigate to /l4/public/articles I get a response.
I get "The requested URL /l4/public/articles was not found on this server." Do I need to run an artisan command to compile the routes? It's probably something easy. Why this message?


Route::get('/', function()
    return View::make('hello');

Route::get('articles', function ()
    //return View::make('articles');
    return "Articles hello there";
have you got mod_rewrite enabled on the server?Laurence
No, I don't. Does Laravel expect that?Alex_B
Why the hell does Laravel not say in its shitty tutorial that we need to activate mod_rewrite ????Sliq
@Panique welcome to the world of open source documentation.S..
This answer from delmadord save my life! stackoverflow.com/a/24785009/1419350ebelendez

4 Answers


Problem is solved by two editing changes in apache's httpd.conf file.

AllowOverride None is default. AllowOverride controls whether .htaccess files are processed.

mod_rewrite is commented out by default.

Changes to make:

Change 1: Activate mod_rewrite by uncommenting it.

Change 2:


AllowOverride None


AllowOverride All

Now restart Apache...

The default .htaccess file that Laravel provides in the public folder specified some mod_rewrite rules. These rules were not getting applied because AllowOverride was set to none. Be sure and restart apache after changing these settings. My configuration: Apache 2.4.6 on Windows XP.

It appears that there may be some security implications to the AllowOverride change. If anyone has additional information on this, I would like to hear it.


That Error basically say that the router cannot found your request. Make sure you already save your changes. if you using the artisan command to running the page,just re-run again command "artisan Serve".


You need mod_rewrite on. Try: l4/public/index.php/articles


in httpd.conf change

<Directory />
    AllowOverride none
    Require all granted


<Directory />
    AllowOverride all
    Require all granted

then uncomment

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so


LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so