
When I am trying to build and deploy my application by right-clicking on application name -> Run As -> Build All and Deploy... I am getting a failure notification in the console:

Failed to deploy the application to Worklight server: please verify that the Worklight server is started and reachable.

I have first installed Eclipse Juno and then installed plug-in of Worklight V6 in it. Is it required to install Worklight server by some other means?

This is the entire log:

[2013-07-21 09:55:04] FWLPL0001W: Server not started yet. Build may fail at first trial. [2013-07-21 09:55:13] Starting build process: application 'HelloWorklightApp', all environments [2013-07-21 09:55:14] FWLPL0010W: "localhost" was detected from the target server configuration. Using the primary IP address of the host machine,, to build the Worklight application(s). Consider using a fully qualified hostname (avoid using "localhost") or a valid IP address instead. The value can be modified by opening the configuration editor of Worklight Development Server from the "Servers" view. [2013-07-21 09:55:16] Application 'HelloWorklightApp' with all environments build finished. [2013-07-21 09:55:16] Deploying application 'HelloWorklightApp' with all environments to Worklight Server... [2013-07-21 09:55:38]
Failed to deploy the application to Worklight server: please verify that the Worklight server is started and reachable.

Here is the entire log that i got when started theserver-

[AUDIT ] CWWKE0001I: The server worklight has been launched. [ERROR ] CWWKO0030E: An exception was generated when starting chain CHAIN-defaultHttpEndpoint because of exception com.ibm.wsspi.channelfw.exception.ChannelException: TCP Channel: defaultHttpEndpoint- Problem occurred while starting channel: Unable to establish loopback connection [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0058I: Monitoring dropins for applications. [AUDIT ] CWWKF0011I: The server worklight is ready to run a smarter planet. [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0022W: Application _MobileBrowserSimulator has not started in 30.002 seconds. [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0022W: Application HelloWorklightProject has not started in 30.001 seconds. [AUDIT ] CWWKG0016I: Starting server configuration update. [AUDIT ] CWWKG0018I: The server configuration was not updated. No functional changes were detected. [AUDIT ] CWWKG0016I: Starting server configuration update. [AUDIT ] CWWKG0017I: The server configuration was successfully updated in 0.043 seconds. [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0022W: Application TestWorklightProject has not started in 30.002 seconds.

Log after changing the prt and IP address-

Launching worklight (WebSphere Application Server on Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.6.0_45-b06 (en_IN)
[AUDIT   ] CWWKE0001I: The server worklight has been launched.
[ERROR   ] CWWKO0221E: TCP Channel defaultHttpEndpoint initialization did not succeed.  The socket bind did not succeed for host and port 8080.  The port might already be in use.
[AUDIT   ] CWWKZ0058I: Monitoring dropins for applications. 
[err] 255  WorklightPU  WARN   [Scheduled Executor-thread-1] openjpa.Runtime - An error occurred while registering a ClassTransformer with PersistenceUnitInfo: name 'WorklightPU', root URL [file:/C:/Users/Anil%20kumar/workspace/WorklightServerConfig/shared/resources/worklight-jee-library-6.0.0.jar]. The error has been consumed. To see it, set your openjpa.Runtime log level to TRACE. Load-time class transformation will not be available.
[err] 2256  WorklightPU  INFO   [Scheduled Executor-thread-1] openjpa.Runtime - Starting OpenJPA 1.2.2
[err] 2850  WorklightPU  INFO   [Scheduled Executor-thread-1] openjpa.jdbc.JDBC - Using dictionary class "org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary".
[err] 1  WorklightReportsPU  WARN   [Scheduled Executor-thread-1] openjpa.Runtime - An error occurred while registering a ClassTransformer with PersistenceUnitInfo: name 'WorklightReportsPU', root URL [file:/C:/Users/Anil%20kumar/workspace/WorklightServerConfig/shared/resources/worklight-jee-library-6.0.0.jar]. The error has been consumed. To see it, set your openjpa.Runtime log level to TRACE. Load-time class transformation will not be available.
[AUDIT   ] CWWKF0011I: The server worklight is ready to run a smarter planet.
[err] 1  WorklightPU  WARN   [Scheduled Executor-thread-1] openjpa.Runtime - An error occurred while registering a ClassTransformer with PersistenceUnitInfo: name 'WorklightPU', root URL [file:/C:/Users/Anil%20kumar/workspace/WorklightServerConfig/shared/resources/worklight-jee-library-6.0.0.jar]. The error has been consumed. To see it, set your openjpa.Runtime log level to TRACE. Load-time class transformation will not be available.
[err] 214  WorklightPU  INFO   [Scheduled Executor-thread-1] openjpa.Runtime - Starting OpenJPA 1.2.2
[err] 216  WorklightPU  INFO   [Scheduled Executor-thread-1] openjpa.jdbc.JDBC - Using dictionary class "org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary".
[err] 0  WorklightReportsPU  WARN   [Scheduled Executor-thread-1] openjpa.Runtime - An error occurred while registering a ClassTransformer with PersistenceUnitInfo: name 'WorklightReportsPU', root URL [file:/C:/Users/Anil%20kumar/workspace/WorklightServerConfig/shared/resources/worklight-jee-library-6.0.0.jar]. The error has been consumed. To see it, set your openjpa.Runtime log level to TRACE. Load-time class transformation will not be available.
[AUDIT   ] CWWKZ0022W: Application _MobileBrowserSimulator has not started in 33.066 seconds.
[AUDIT   ] CWWKZ0022W: Application TestWorklightProject has not started in 31.548 seconds.
[AUDIT   ] CWWKZ0022W: Application HelloWorklightProject has not started in 30.002 seconds.

5 Answers


Several suggestions:

  1. This same issue is also reported here. Follow the instructions given there.
  2. Make sure the default port number, 10080, is not taken
  3. After creating a new Worklight project and application

    • Go to the Servers view in Eclipse and start the server (don't build the app); see if it loads properly
    • You can look at the Worklight Development Server console view for the logs

    Full size image enter image description here

  4. See if changing the the Host value helps. You can also change here the port in case 10080 is taken and you cannot release it for what ever reason.

    Full size image enter image description here


This can also be caused by multiple networks running on your workstation. I find having VMWare installed causes the build side of Worklight to get confused. It starts the server on your host LAN port, but then looks up "localhost" when trying to deploy an application, on my machine this gets the IP address of the VMWare LAN adaptor.

Double click on the server and change the "Host name:" field to the IP address of your local LAN.

I know I'm having problems if I see the following when trying to build and deploy: FWLPL0010W: "localhost" was detected from the target server configuration. Using the primary IP address of the host machine,, to build the Worklight application(s). Consider using a fully qualified hostname (avoid using "localhost") or a valid IP address instead. The value can be modified by opening the configuration editor of Worklight Development Server from the "Servers" view.


I don't know how many people are facing this type of issue and their Worklight server is not working properly but here are few steps that I followed to solve my issue.

1) Deleted my whole Eclipse folder.

2) Extracted again Eclipse folder from the Zipped file which I downloaded from Eclipse site.

3) Installed Worklight v6 Plugin using "Install new software" option in "Help" tab in Eclipse. More detailed info to install using this process is available at this link-


My suggestion is not to use Eclipse Marketplace to install the plugin as I got trouble in my two systems while using it.

4) Restart Eclipse and check.


In my case it was a proxy problem. Check if you have a proxy configured in IE Tools->Connections->LAN Settings. I had to disable it in order to make deployment work.


I to faced the same problem, but in my case the problem was i used Jre 1.8. So by checking all the possible was finally i changed the jre7 path by the fallowing way.

Actually it IBM Worklight needs JRE and JDK 1.7(7)

  1. In Worklight Studio, open the Servers view.
  2. Double-click Worklight Development Server to open the Overview page.
  3. In Overview page click on the Runtime Environment
  4. Runtime Environment window in JRE Pane click on Configure JREs...,
  5. It shows Preferences window, in that click on add button.
  6. it shows another window called Add JRE in that select Standard VM and click on next, In JRE Definition click on Dictionary of JRE Home:, Now select the 1.7 JRE path then click on next then click finish
  7. In Preferences window check jre7 and click on OK, finally click on Finish and restart the Eclipse

Now run your application on Worklight development server.