
I am working on a UserControl in a Silverlight project in visual studio 2010.

This user control uses Labels as follows:

<sdk:Label .../>

as described here

However, when I create a WPF project link it to Silverlight Library Project:

(by adding existing items (Add Link) to cs classes and the .xaml file defining the control)

I get the following error in build:

The tag 'Label' does not exist in XML namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation/sdk'. Line 49 Position 18. myfile.xaml 49 18 MyLibraryWPF

This doc shows that labels in WPF are declared without the sdk:

like this:


yet, I cannot change that in my Silverlight project. It will be a real waste to create a whole new project and duplicate the code to make it work.

How to make the Labels work with both Silverlight and WPF projects?

If you want to reuse xaml, you need to target the "lowest common" aka Silverlight. Do not include toolkit controls. For a label you can use a TextBlockShawn Kendrot
but TextBlocks do not have background colorsSaher Ahwal
@Saher: They do have Background color. <TextBlock Background="Red"></TextBlock>Nitesh
@Nitesh No Background does not exist for TextBlockSaher Ahwal
at least I get error when I try to set the propertySaher Ahwal

1 Answers


Here is a piece of Code in xaml that can be shared by WPF and Silverlight and looks like label with Background coloe:

<Border Margin="3,0,3,3" Background="#FF00B050">
                <TextBlock Text="txt122" FontSize="13" FontWeight="SemiBold" Height="21" Name="label15" Width="133"  ></TextBlock>

This means that a Label cannot be used in a shared XAML.