I have a Symfony 2.3.1 application with two bundles. Each bundle contains Resources/config/routing.yml configuration file:
resource: "@MyMobileBundle/Controller"
type: annotation
resource: "@MyAdminBundle/Controller"
type: annotation
This is app/config/routing.yml:
resource: "@MyMobileBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /mobile
resource: "@MyAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /admin
And app/config/routing_dev.yml contains:
resource: routing.yml
The problem is that each time only /admin/... or /mobile/... paths are available. If only one routing resource included in app/config/routing.yml everything works fine. Has anybody had such problem? Is it correct to set prefixes for different bundles this way?
php app/console router:debug
to list all your routes (and route names), by tweaking here and there you will eventually find out the issue. – Thomas Potaire