I'm very new to ANTLR and I am currently using the ANTLRWorks 2 plugin for Netbeans IDE 7.3 to visualize my grammar files for ANTLR 4.1.
What I am trying to do is parse a text file with line separated dollar values and return them all in a one-dimensional array of doubles "double[]."
For example say I have a file values.txt which contains:...
...I want to use the ANTLR generated **Parser.parseMethod(tokens)* to return an array. So the return value would be {12.4,16.91,18.00,17.85,12.85}
I attempted to adapt this method I found by a similar question answered here - Antlr Array Help -, and settle on working with a list, resulting in the following code:
grammar Values;
parse returns [List<Double> numbers]
@init {
$numbers = new ArrayList<Double>();
: (line {$numbers.add($line.row);})* EOF
line returns [Double row]
@init {
$row = new Double(0.0);
: (Number {$row = Double.parseDouble($Number.text);})+ (LineBreak | EOF)
fragment Digit : ('0'..'9')+ ;
Number : Digit '.' Digit ;
: (' ' | '\t') -> channel(HIDDEN)
: '\r'? '\n'
| '\r'
But once this grammar file is generated the parse() method returns a "ParseContext" object...
public final ParseContext parse() throws RecognitionException {...}
...which I do not know how to use. And I do not know why ParseContext is created.