I am creating a REST service using jersey 2.0. I am extending WebApplicationException
Method raising a particular exception
if(json.equals("") || json.equals(" ")) {
throw new ArgumentException("bad post data");
public class ArgumentException extends RestException {
public ArgumentException(String message) {
public class RestException extends WebApplicationException {
public RestException(Status status, String message) {
.entity(new ErrorBean(status.getStatusCode(),message))
.build()); */
ErrorBean is a POJO
The method that returns error as plain string inside RestException works (right http code 400 and message). However when I try to pass the ErrorBean POJO and use MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON in response I get an error saying "Headers have already been sent" with http error code 500 (so some internal problem with plumbing) and empty response.
I have also looked at this question Returning JSON or XML for Exceptions in Jersey
How can I return the exception with code and message as a JSON like
{"code" : 400, "message" : .... }
I have received answer on SO as well as jersey users mailing list. steps are
- A non AJXB POJO does not need any annotations
- Register JacksonFeature in your application
ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig().packages("test").register(JacksonFeature.class);