I'm using server.socket to stream data to multiple clients, server.socket uses Threads for each client connection. I currently have something like this:
(def clients (atom ())) ; connected clients defined globally for that namespace
(swap! clients conj a) ; adds a client (which is an atom itself as well), this is in a function that is run on the client's thread
;I want to better the process of removing a client!
(dosync (reset! clients (remove #{a} @clients))) ; removes client from list, run in a function on the client's thread
I run a function which runs through each client and grabs the content, it is in an infinite loop on each of the multiple client threads, so it's run simultaneously:
(doseq [c @clients]
(print ((deref c) :content))
I sort of came to the conclusion using Atoms in the threads really makes the program work smoothly and allows non-blocking Reads, so I'm happy with this except I feel that resetting the global client's Atom just so I can remove a single client from the list is a bad move. Is there a more appropriate way to accomplish this using swap! ? I chose list for the clients atom as I'm running doseq on each connected client to grab the content and flush it to the output stream socket.