
I'm trying to create grid data view from ExtJS with pagination.
Actually there's no issue when I create a simple data grid.
Then I want to create a "filter/search" function using Ext Form.
It's only work for page one. Here is my Ext Form Code below :

var winFilter = Ext.create('widget.window',{
title   : 'Filter',
width  : 400,
height : 200,
modal  : true,
closeAction    : 'hide',
items  : frmFilter,
layout : 'fit',
bodyPadding: 5,
    text    : 'Filter',
    handler: function(btn){
        var win = btn.up('window');
        var form = win.down('form');
        tempProductID = form.getForm().findField('Product_ID').getSubmitValue();
        tempDescription = form.getForm().findField('Description').getSubmitValue();
            params: {
                start: 0,
                limit: itemsPerPage,
                productid: form.getForm().findField('Product_ID').getSubmitValue(),
                description: form.getForm().findField('Description').getSubmitValue()
    text    : 'Close',
        handler: function(){

for the next page, my JSON return all data without using filtering value that I used before (Product ID and Description).
Please if any advice

Thanks bud.


1 Answers


params (when used as an argument of load method) are applied only once. If you want to apply these params to each request you have to modify proxy extraParams property:

Ext.apply(store.proxy.extraParams, {
    productid: form.getForm().findField('Product_ID').getSubmitValue(),
    description: form.getForm().findField('Description').getSubmitValue()
}, {});

Else you can use store filter method (store.remoteFilter should be set to true):

    {property: "productid", value: form.getForm().findField('Product_ID').getSubmitValue()},
    {property: "description", value: form.getForm().findField('Description').getSubmitValue()

But note that the filter part of request url has different form when filter approach is used. In this case filter part looks something like ?filter=[{'property':'productid','value':2}]&limit=10.... Whereas when params approach is used url looks something like ?productid=2&limit=10.... So when filter approach is used backend should parse filter property of request.