I really hate asking this kind of question but I'm at the end of my wits here. I am writing an incremental parser but for some reason, just cannot figure out how to implement functor instance for it. Here's the code dump:
Input Data Type
Input is data type yielded by parser to the coroutine. It contains the current list of input chars being operated on by coroutine and end of line condition
data Input a = S [a] Bool deriving (Show)
instance Functor Input where
fmap g (S as x) = S (g <$> as) x
Output Data Type
Output is data type yielded by coroutine to Parser. It is either a Failed message, Done [b], or Partial ([a] -> Output a b), where [a] is the current buffer passed back to the parser
data Output a b = Fail String | Done [b] | Partial ([a] -> Output a b)
instance Functor (Output a) where
fmap _ (Fail s) = Fail s
fmap g (Done bs) = Done $ g <$> bs
fmap g (Partial f) = Partial $ \as -> g <$> f as
The Parser
The parser takes [a] and yields a buffer [a] to coroutine, which yields back Output a b
data ParserI a b = PP { runPi :: [a] -> (Input a -> Output a b) -> Output a b }
Functor Implementation
It seems like all I have to do is fmap the function g onto the coroutine, like follows:
instance Functor (ParserI a) where
fmap g p = PP $ \as k -> runPi p as (\xs -> fmap g $ k xs)
But it does not type check:
Couldn't match type `a1' with `b'
`a1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
fmap :: (a1 -> b) -> ParserI a a1 -> ParserI a b
at Tests.hs:723:9
`b' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
fmap :: (a1 -> b) -> ParserI a a1 -> ParserI a b
at Tests.hs:723:9
Expected type: ParserI a b
Actual type: ParserI a a1
is not a functor. No instance exists. – Philip JFfmap g p = PP $ \as k -> runPi p as (\xs -> fmap g $ k as)
<- that lastas
there was intended to be anxs
, wasn't it? – Daniel FischerInput a -> Output a b
torunPi p
as the second argument. But what you have,k
, is anInput a -> Output a c
's type isb -> c
). You'd need some way to convert anInput a -> Output a c
into anInput a -> Output a b
. But you have nothing to create ab
from ac
. The type variableb
occurs in a wrong position forParserI
to be made aFunctor
. That's what Philip JF said. – Daniel FischerPP
constructor to be a function, or could you store that information some other way? This is clearly where the problem lies. – AndrewC