
Anybody knows from where to get compiled .so FFMPEG library for Android?

I tried thousand of times to compile the FFMPEG manually on windows-7 using Android NDK but never succeeded.

So I think it's better to use precompiled lib as I'm already using the same same technolgy that used in: https://github.com/guardianproject/SSCVideoProto

But the ffmpeg lib in this project is very old.

Any help is much appreciated.......


3 Answers


It was built to ffmpeg 2.0 since integrate with android-ndk-r9b Download the prebuilt *.so.

set up *.so file :

1 - Add folder jni/libs/*.so

2 - Use "Right-click mouse" -> Android Tools -> Add native support -> Set name of file *.cpp

3 - Two files : *.cpp and Android.mk appeared.

4 - Use Cygwin to build & compile *.so into the project.

How to load another .so file in your android project?.

@Sanket Excute command need know this first before transfer parameters to the C++ method :

Calling C++ method in C++ file from Java file


You can extract the libffmepg.so from the Dolphin Player builds


Rename the package extension to .zip and extract the .so libraries from lib folder.


I would suggest you two ways:

#1: you can download the project given in this blog . It works just fine, start adding your code in this project.

#2: you can build with your own. The easiest way is to build within Linux. You can choose any of the version releases for android from here . After extracting you will find a README.txt file. The steps described there are quite straight forward. Follow them, you will get the build I believe.