I have made a very basic algorithm which extracts only the red / green / blue pixels of the image and displays them. However, it works well on some images and produces unexpected results in some. Like when I want to keep only green , it also keeps turquoise.
Turquoise is a shade of green but it is not what I want to display. I only want things that are 'visually' green.
Here is a sample output that shows what has gone wrong:
The algorithm picked up the turquoiose color of the flower pot on which the dog sits. The original image is here.
My algorithm is below (for the green one.) All the algorithms are akin to each other.
void keepGreen() {
for (int i = 0; // iterate over the pixels of the image
i < img.pixels.length;
i++) {
float inputRed = red(img.pixels[i]); // extract red
float inputGreen = green(img.pixels[i]); // extract green
float inputBlue = blue(img.pixels[i]); // extract blue
int pixel = -1;
float outputRed = -1;
float outputGreen = -1;
float outputBlue = -1;
if(inputRed <= inputGreen*0.9 && inputBlue <= inputGreen*0.9){ // check if the pixel is visually green
outputRed = inputRed; // yes, let it stay
outputGreen = inputGreen;
outputBlue = inputBlue;
}else{ // no, make it gray
int mostProminent =(int) max(inputRed, inputGreen, inputBlue);
int leastProminent =(int) min(inputRed, inputGreen, inputBlue);
int avg = (int) ((mostProminent + leastProminent) / 2);
outputRed = avg;
outputGreen = avg;
outputBlue = avg;
pixel = color(avg, avg, avg);
img.pixels[i] = color(outputRed, outputGreen, outputBlue); // set the pixel to the new value
img.updatePixels(); // update the image
image(img, WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, calculatedWidth, calculatedHeight); // display
How can I avoid those errors ?