I would like to match the input of the form ::
commit a1b2c3
Author: Michael <[email protected]>
commit d3g4
Author: David <[email protected]>
Here is the grammar I have written:
grammar commit;
file : commitinfo+;
commitinfo : commitdesc authordesc;
commitdesc : 'commit' COMMITHASH NEWLINE;
authordesc : 'Author:' AUTHORNAME '<' EMAIL '>' NEWLINE;
COMMITHASH : [a-z0-9]+;
EMAIL : [a-zA-Z0-9.@]+;
NEWLINE : '\r'?'\n';
WHITESPACE : [ \t]->skip;
The problem with the above parser is that, for the above input it matches perfectly. But when the input changes to :
commit c1d2
Author: michael <[email protected]>
it throws an error like :
line 2:8 mismatched input 'michael' expecting AUTHORNAME.
When I print the tokens, it seems the string 'michael' gets matched by the token COMMITHASH instead of AUTHORNAME.
How to fix the above case?