I have a SQL Server table in Entity Framework named employ
with a single key column named ID
How do I delete a single record from the table using Entity Framework?
I have a SQL Server table in Entity Framework named employ
with a single key column named ID
How do I delete a single record from the table using Entity Framework?
It's not necessary to query the object first, you can attach it to the context by its id. Like this:
var employer = new Employ { Id = 1 };
Alternatively, you can set the attached entry's state to deleted :
var employer = new Employ { Id = 1 };
ctx.Entry(employer).State = EntityState.Deleted;
You can use SingleOrDefault
to get a single object matching your criteria, and then pass that to the Remove
method of your EF table.
var itemToRemove = Context.Employ.SingleOrDefault(x => x.id == 1); //returns a single item.
if (itemToRemove != null) {
I am using entity framework with LINQ. Following code was helpful for me;
1- For multiple records
using (var dbContext = new Chat_ServerEntities())
var allRec= dbContext.myEntities;
2- For Single record
using (var dbContext = new Chat_ServerEntities())
var singleRec = dbContext.ChatUserConnections.FirstOrDefault( x => x.ID ==1);// object your want to delete
Just wanted to contribute the three methods I've bounced back and forth with.
Method 1:
var record = ctx.Records.FirstOrDefault();
Method 2:
var record = ctx.Records.FirstOfDefault();
ctx.Entry(record).State = EntityState.Deleted;
ctx.Entry(record).State = EntityState.Detached;
One of the reasons why I prefer to go with Method 2 is because in the case of setting EF or EFCore to QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking
, it's safer to do.
Then there's Method 3:
var record = ctx.Records.FirstOrDefault();
var entry = ctx.Entry(record);
record.DeletedOn = DateTimeOffset.Now;
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
entry.State = EntityState.Detached;
This utilizes a soft delete approach by setting the record's DeletedOn
property, and still being able to keep the record for future use, what ever that may be. Basically, putting it in the Recycle Bin.
Also, in regards to Method 3, instead of setting the entire record to being modified:
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
You would also simply set only the column DeletedOn
as modified:
entry.Property(x => x.DeletedOn).IsModified = true;
public JsonResult DeleteCotnact(int id)
using (MycasedbEntities dbde = new MycasedbEntities())
Contact rowcontact = (from c in dbde.Contact
where c.Id == id
select c).FirstOrDefault();
return Json(id);
What do you think of this, simple or not, you could also try this:
var productrow = cnn.Product.Find(id);
Using EntityFramework.Plus could be an option:
dbContext.Employ.Where(e => e.Id == 1).Delete();
More examples are available here
u can do it simply like this
public ActionResult Delete(int? id)
using (var db = new RegistrationEntities())
Models.RegisterTable Obj = new Models.RegisterTable();
Registration.DAL.RegisterDbTable personalDetail = db.RegisterDbTable.Find(id);
if (personalDetail == null)
return HttpNotFound();
Obj.UserID = personalDetail.UserID;
Obj.FirstName = personalDetail.FName;
Obj.LastName = personalDetail.LName;
Obj.City = personalDetail.City;
return View(Obj);
[HttpPost, ActionName("Delete")]
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int? id)
using (var db = new RegistrationEntities())
Registration.DAL.RegisterDbTable personalDetail = db.RegisterDbTable.Find(id);
return RedirectToAction("where u want it to redirect");
public class RegisterTable
public int UserID
{ get; set; }
public string FirstName
{ get; set; }
public string LastName
{ get; set; }
public string Password
{ get; set; }
public string City
{ get; set; }
view from which u will call it
<table class="table">
@foreach (var item in Model)
<td> @item.FirstName </td>
<td> @item.LastName </td>
<td> @item.City</td>
<a href="@Url.Action("Edit", "Registeration", new { id = item.UserID })">Edit</a> |
<a href="@Url.Action("Details", "Registeration", new { id = item.UserID })">Details</a> |
<a href="@Url.Action("Delete", "Registeration", new { id = item.UserID })">Delete</a>
i hope this will be easy for u to understand
You can do something like this in your click or celldoubleclick event of your grid(if you used one)
if(dgEmp.CurrentRow.Index != -1)
employ.Id = (Int32)dgEmp.CurrentRow.Cells["Id"].Value;
//Some other stuff here
Then do something like this in your Delete Button:
using(Context context = new Context())
var entry = context.Entry(employ);
if(entry.State == EntityState.Detached)
//Attached it since the record is already being tracked
//Use Remove method to remove it virtually from the memory
//Finally, execute SaveChanges method to finalized the delete command
//to the actual table
//Some stuff here
Alternatively, you can use a LINQ Query instead of using LINQ To Entities Query:
var query = (from emp in db.Employee
where emp.Id == employ.Id
select emp).Single();
employ.Id is used as filtering parameter which was already passed from the CellDoubleClick Event of your DataGridView.
Here's a safe way:
using (var transitron = ctx.Database.BeginTransaction())
var employer = new Employ { Id = 1 };
ctx.Entry(employer).State = EntityState.Deleted;
catch (Exception ex)
//capture exception like: entity does not exist, Id property does not exist, etc...
Here you can pile up all the changes you want, so you can do a series of deletion before the SaveChanges and Commit, so they will be applied only if they are all successful.