I have my development environment setup on Win 7 like this:
Django development structure
Apache -server- C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.4
PostgreSQL -database- C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2
Django -framework- C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django
Python -code- C:\Python27
Project -root- C:\mysite
I am attempting to keep this extremely simple to start out. There are 5 main directories each with a distinct purpose. All the code resides in the project folder.
compared to WAMP structure:
I like how Apache, MySQL, and PHP all reside in a neat directory. I know to keep the root project OUTSIDE in another directory in Django for security reasons.
- Is it fine that Apache, PostgreSQL, and Python are installed all over the place in the Django environment?
- Did I miss a core Django component and/or directory?
- Will deploying and scaling be a problem?
I want this to be a guideline for beginning Django web programmers.