
I've created an MFC html dialog based application the dialog inherits from CDHtmlDialog, all buttons on the html has classic style not the visual style, why is that?? how can i change this behaviour??? the visual style is enabled on other dialogs, In the same project when I displayed a normal dialog that inherits from CDialog it's button displayed visual style.

why is that??


1 Answers


I've found the answer in this article http://www.webdbtips.com/89962/

add this tag to html page

<META HTTP-EQUIV="MSThemeCompatible" CONTENT="Yes">   

or add the following line to the body of the class that inherits from CDHtmlDialog

STDMETHOD(GetHostInfo)(DOCHOSTUIINFO *pInfo){pInfo->dwFlags |= DOCHOSTUIFLAG_THEME; return S_OK;};

that enabled the visual style for me