
Hi I am just curious to know whether different users can have same user ID in MOSS 2007. I have two SharePoint groups with different set of permission levels. SharePointGroup1 is in root site. The subsite has unique permissions, i.e., it is having SharePointGroup2 with different set of users.

Is there any chance to have same user ID for different users in these two SharePoint Groups?


2 Answers


SPUser.ID is only unique at the site collection level. AFAIK permission inheritance doesn't change how users are stored and id's assigned.

This can be a little confusing so to clarify you've got

Web Applications > Site Collections > Sites

for example :-

- Web App - Default Site Collection - Site A1 (http://server)
                                    - site A2 (http://server/someweb)
          - Another site Collection - Site B1 (http://server/sites/someweb)
                                    - Site B2 (http://server/sites/someotherweb)

So in this example

  • A1 & A2 share the same user list so have unique user id's
  • As do B1 & B2 -
  • But the UserID's between A* to B* will not match

One user can be in several SharePoint Groups. If a user is in a parent site with SharePointGroup1 and also in a subsite with SharePointGroup2 (with its security inheritance broken between itself and the root site), then that should not be a problem. Two different users cannot have the same network ID.