I am using express-validator for validation. I am using mongoose for database, it also has validation built in. I want to know which one should I use?
I also want to know if the validation in express-validator is parallel. Take this code for example:
req.checkBody('email', 'Invalid email').notEmpty().isEmail().isUnique();
req.checkBody('password', 'Invalid possword').notEmpty().len(8, 30);
req.checkBody('first_name', 'Invalid first_name').notEmpty().isAlpha();
req.checkBody('last_name', 'Invalid last_name').notEmpty().isAlpha();
req.checkBody('dateofbirth', 'Invalid dateofbirth').notEmpty.isDate();
isUnique() is a custom validation method that checks if the email has not already been registered or not, it queries to database to validate so. Though not mentioned in the code above but I also have few other post request where I need to validate multiple fields where database queries will be made in each of them.
So I wanted to know if its possible to run each of the above check method in parallel as that would make it faster and would also me more node like. I obviously will like to use a module for running these in parallel like async. I would also like to know if already these check methods are running in parallel already?
Please help me figure this out? Thanks in advance.