I am trying to use a Bluetooth ELM327 wireless OBD-II receiver to obtain data from a vehicles OBD-II port. I am not trying to gather information about the engine, but rather some of the electronics in the vehicle. I have been given certain commands to access the devices and have been successful using different devices and software other than the ELM327.
I do not have much experience dealing with the CAN bus and data transfer in general; so forgive me if I am leaving out crucial pieces of this process. However, I do understand CAN basics such as message headers and data bytes.
So far I have been using the Ford DET tool to gather data from the device. I am able to send an 8 byte CAN message and receive data back. I have many commands which I need to parse proper data from the output they produce. For example, if I were to send the command
0x727 03 19 02 8F
My log file shows:
00184.3548 (Rx) 0x72F 10 0F 59 02 CA E1 00 00
00024.8556 (Rx) 0x72F 10 0F 59 02 CA E1 00 00 --- Request DTC Info: Report DTCs By Status Mask (StatusMask: 8F)
00189.4469 (Tx) 0x727 03 19 02 8F 00 00 00 00 --- Request DTC Info: Report DTCs By Status Mask (StatusMask: 8F)
00189.4549 (Rx) 0x72F 10 0F 59 02 CA E1 00 00
00189.4572 (Tx) 0x727 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00189.4591 (Rx) 0x72F 21 0A E1 01 00 0A 9A 89
00189.4612 (Rx) 0x72F 22 13 0A 00 00 00 00 00 --- Pos Resp to Read DTCs By Status Mask (3 DTCs)
Here is what happens when talking to the ELM327 with goSerial. I have included all the commands to illustrate how I am using the ELM327 device.
>at sh 727 <-- set the message header to 0x727
>03 19 02 8f
72F 03 7F 03 11
As you can see, the result output on the final line is much shorter than that the Diagnostic Engineering tool is giving me. Am I not configuring the device properly?
Basically I am trying to have the ELM327 output match the output from the Ford DET tool. I understand that this is a very vague question.
Here is some other information about my configuration:
- Baud rate: 38400 (standard for vehicles?)
- CAN version: ISO 15765-4
All my commands start with 0x727. Flow control is transmitted with 0x727 and 0x7A7.
Also, I have already read over most of the ELM327 documentation so please do not leave that as a solution.