I am trying perform operation on a SharePoint document library using REST on SharePoint 2010. Things i wish to achieve are 1) Query items from the library 2) Download/Upload Document from Library 3) Check out/ Check in items from Library
I have to do it all using REST service (for 2010 it is /_vti_bin/listdata.svc/). I am making all REST calls from javascript which will be finally on an ASP Web Site built on MVC.
I am able to get the list and single items using REST. Download URL is /_vti_bin/listdata.svc/myStore(id) or _vti_bin/listdata.svc/myStore?$filter= etc
My question is on how to download and upload documents to the list using REST on 2010. What would be the url link. Can this be done? I cant seem to find details about REST support for 2010.
Also hints on doing Check out Checkin using the REST API in 2010.
I am able to all this using Client Side Object Model in a c# windows app.
Any help is appreciated.