
Every time I open an activity layout in order to view its design, I can't see anything, and there's a "Loading configuration" message. How to solve it?

Looks like this is related to the following issue: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=56691&q=%22Loading%20Configuration%22&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20Stars

I gave the Android studio a try and it does not seem to be production ready in some cases. Eclipse ADT is a better choice in my humble opinion.Deepak Bala
Update: IntelliJ IDEA seems the best right now.Ilya Kogan

3 Answers


I had the same issue and it got solved by using the menu item: File->Invalidate Caches/Restart


Try to delete the build folder.

Here are the details:

Yesterday(2015/6/10) I faced to the same problem, and I solved it by using beyond compare:

  • This problem occured after a forced upgrade.
  • I have 2 projects, one worked(newly created) and one doesn't.
  • So I used beyond compare to compare the 2 projects' folders.
  • Luckily I found build folder of the not-worked never changed even though I clear cache, restart and rebuild it several times.
  • build folder deleted and everything worked fine now.

I've had this issue before, and it was usually not long after an error had come up.

Check the Event Log for errors. Usually a restart of the IDE fixed it for me though I appreciate that's not ideal. The errors weren't anything specific I think just teething issues with Android Studio - tis just preview software after all.