I'm writing a program for my friends during my summer time and I occurred really strange problem.
I'm assigning a QVector< T > to other QVector< T > with operator= in my homemade template class and then trying to check whethere this 2nd QVector< T > have any elements. First, I'm checking it's size and it's good, but when I use operator[] and function GetName() which is a member of class T.
Here's some code:
template <template T> class Turniej {
QVector<T>* list_;
QVector<Stol<T> > stoly_;
int round_;
int max_rounds_;
Turniej() {round_=1;}
static Turniej& GetTurniej() {
static Turniej turniej;
return turniej; }
void SetList(QVector<T> *list) {list_=list; }
QVector<T>& GetList() {return *list_;}
//Some other irrelevant methods
Then I invoke SetList() function with reference to QVector filled with 2 objects of Gracz class
And when I'm finally trying to get to the list_ object in Turniej class by code below, I get this error: ASSERT failure in QVector::operator[]: "index out of range", file .../QtCore/qvector.h, line 356
Where GetName() returns some QString and for certain that method exists in Gracz class.
I would really appreciate any help, because I'm stuck with it for 2 days and have completely no idea what's going on. What is strange, I was trying to google that error but I haven't found any topic with error in that particular line of qvector.h. I'm using Qt 5.0.2 with Qt Creator
Thanks for any help!
and still the same – Theoden91