
I am able to scan for all available bluetooth devices with hcitool or with my C program.

I can pair the device using it's address with a simple-agent python script.

I would like to know if I can also remove the paired device using either hcitool, hciconfig or some kind of bluetooth command.

I know the information of detected devices for the hci0 controller is stored in /var/lib/bluetooth/XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, where XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the address of the hci controller.

This would be useful for testing pairing, connecting and disconnecting devices.

Could you share with me how exactly do you use the hcitool on OS X to scan for BTRuskes

6 Answers


bluez-test-device remove XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX


If you install the bluez-tools package, run this to unpair a bluetooth device :

bt-device -r xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

where xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is the address of the paired device.


As it is mentioned above on ashish's answer, you can us bluez-test-device to remove the device which that you already know its mac address. So the problem is to parse the mac address of the added devices.

With python or c or whatever you use,

1) list the devices with;

bluez-test-device list

and parse the output and get all the MAC addresses of the devices, add them to a list.

2) disconnect and remove the devices;

bluez-test-device disconnect <MAC ADDRESS>
bluez-test-device remove <MAC ADDRESS>

Command using bluetoothctl binary: for device in $(bluetoothctl devices | grep -vEi '(o que mais vc quer deixar aqui|samsung|jbl|wireless)' | awk '{print $2}'); do bluetoothctl remove $device; done


For those using Ubuntu 20.04, here is the same command using the bluetoothctl command

for device in $(bluetoothctl devices  | grep -o "[[:xdigit:]:]\{8,17\}"); do
    echo "removing bluetooth device: $device | $(bluetoothctl remove $device)"

All these answers don't answer the headline "removing all Bluetooth devices"

I wrote this little bash script to remove all the Bluetooth devices that are listed in the bt-device -l

for device in $(bt-device -l | grep -o "[[:xdigit:]:]\{11,17\}"); do
    echo "removing bluetooth device: $device | $(bt-device -r $device)"

How to run?

  1. Make a new file like <fileName>.sh and paste the code above.
  2. Run chmod +x <fileName> to make the script executable
  3. Run ./<fileName>.sh
  4. Celebrate! All Bluetooth devices are removed now :)