
Pl let me know that does BizTalk Server 2010 works with SQL express 2008 R2?

Also the below error is coming When i publish wcf service through wizard and try to run the service on browser :-

The Messaging Engine failed to register the adapter for "WCF-BasicHttp" for the receive location "/OrderProcessingDescription/OrderProcessService.svc". Please verify that the receive location exists, and that the isolated adapter runs under an account that has access to the BizTalk databases

see ref : Is domain controller necessary for BizTalk server 2010 in order to run BizTalk WCF published services?

Is this error coming might be because of SQL express 2008 R2.


1 Answers


Saravana Kumar has a post on how SQL Express and BizTalk work together (or rather how they don't ;)).

Is the service (the IIS application pool) actually running in a user context with access to BizTalk databases? For example the BizTalk Isolated Host Users group?