I'm trying to link a label to an input field using the {{bindAttr}} and the input field's [viewName].elementId. It works on a single entry view, but not when there are several records being displayed: it just links the label to the last input field in the collection. (This used to work in a previous iteration using an older ember library but now it doesnt.) I've created a fiddle but the gist of it is:
{{#each controller}}
<label {{bindAttr for="view.tbFullName.elementId"}}>Full Name</label>
{{view App.DetailTextField viewName="tbFullName" placeholder="Full Name" valueBinding="fullName" readonly="readonly"}}
I thought maybe I could create a collectionView and create a calculated property for viewName which would generate a unique ID for each item in the collection, sort of mentioned in answer to another problem here. But that is getting WAY too complicated - just so that I can have the input field highlight itself if the user clicks on the corresponding label.
Any help appreciated.