
Currently I am exploring MVVM framework for developing WinRT and Windows Phone application. I found Catel MVVM framework promising which is offering many features. I have also gone through various sample examples with catel mvvm available on codeplex. However most of those examples are structured in single visual studio project. By single project what I mean is there is one visual studio project for WinRT application which holds models, viewmodels and views and separate project for Windows phone application. I am planning to structure my code in such a way that I can share code between WinRT and Windows Phone application. e.g.


  • Project 1: Business Service
  • Project 2: Model
  • Project 3: View Models


  • Project 4: WinRT Application specific code (Views etc.)

Win Phone

  • Project 5: Windows Phone Application specific code(Views etc.)

Now my question is as I understand Catel uses some conventions to locate viewmodel, is it possible to structure application code as mentioned above? If yes then how? Is there any sample example code which I can take help from? Any help in this regard is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


1 Answers


Yes, you can even use separate assemblies to resolve naming conventions (you can fully customize them as you can see in the documentation).