
I want to build an app which can stream content from a Wowza v 3.5.2 server with following info file container format : mp4 and audio codec :AAC. Both type of files are to be streamed filename.aac and filename.mp4

I have been searching for the last few days and trying out different solutions on the internet e.g. Streaming AAC audio in an Android application



and i have been getting exceptions like
ERROR MediaPlayer Error (1,-2147483648) ERROR MediaPlayer Error (1,-1)

aacdecoder error

ERROR Decoder start() failed - ADTS sync word not found

ERROR AACPlayer java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot start native decoder

ERROR AACPlayer java.net.MalformedURLException: Unknown protocol: rtsp

I know there are many many links available discussing this issue, but I have not been able to play the required audio files form a remote server yet.

I need to develop this app for Android 2.2

And Play an AAC and MP4 file formats over RTSP protocol

Need help

Do you have a sample URL?William Seemann

1 Answers


VitamioBundle helped me achieve the above. http://www.vitamio.org/en/

Although I have not tested it on many devices, but it works on my Samsung GT-S5830