OK, that's the problem. Currently I'm writing a OCX/NPAPI plugin for my game thus my game can run in the web browsers. In the current implementation, I use SetTimer to 'tick' the updating and rendering of my game (the plugin dll) but I find the FPS (frame per second) can only be 64 at most on my machine. I found it's the problem of the windows timer, since the timer can only be called by the message peeking process of the browser's plugin implementation which I cannot modify, in other words, the timer cannot be faster than the process handling speed of the browser.
So my question is,
- Can I break the 64 frame rate restricted by the browser message handling or speed up the timer proc?
- Or should I move my game to a separated thread but how to handle the window message (user input, window resizing, etc.) and the game thread can receive.
thanks in advance!