im working on project which require crystal report 9 and vb6.
i created a crystal report page an selected all columns i want .
then in form user select the data by this code
If frmRepTabaee1.Check1.Value = 1 And frmRepTabaee1.chbTamin.Value = 1 Then
If frmRepTabaee1.txtTabai.Text = 1 Then
sqlStr = "select pcode,name,lastname,TTaminDarman1,y,mon from tbllisthogh" & frmRepTabaee1.txty & "" & frmRepTabaee1.txtmon & " where typepar= 'ÍÞæÞ' and idvoras = '0' order by convert(int,pcode )"
ElseIf frmRepTabaee1.txtTabai.Text = 2 Then
sqlStr = "select pcode,name,lastname,TTaminDarman2,y,mon from tbllisthogh" & frmRepTabaee1.txty & "" & frmRepTabaee1.txtmon & " where typepar= 'ÍÞæÞ' and idvoras = '0' order by convert(int,pcode )"
ElseIf frmRepTabaee1.txtTabai.Text = 3 Then
sqlStr = "select pcode,name,lastname,TTaminDarman3,y,mon from tbllisthogh" & frmRepTabaee1.txty & "" & frmRepTabaee1.txtmon & " where typepar= 'ÍÞæÞ' and idvoras = '0' order by convert(int,pcode )"
ElseIf frmRepTabaee1.txtTabai.Text = 4 Then
sqlStr = "select pcode,name,lastname,TTaminDarman4,y,mon from tbllisthogh" & frmRepTabaee1.txty & "" & frmRepTabaee1.txtmon & " where typepar= 'ÍÞæÞ' and idvoras = '0' order by convert(int,pcode )"
ElseIf frmRepTabaee1.txtTabai.Text = 5 Then
sqlStr = "select pcode,name,lastname,TTaminDarman5,y,mon from tbllisthogh" & frmRepTabaee1.txty & "" & frmRepTabaee1.txtmon & " where typepar= 'ÍÞæÞ' and idvoras = '0' order by convert(int,pcode )"
ElseIf frmRepTabaee1.txtTabai.Text = 6 Then
sqlStr = "select pcode,name,lastname,TTaminDarman6,y,mon from tbllisthogh" & frmRepTabaee1.txty & "" & frmRepTabaee1.txtmon & " where typepar= 'ÍÞæÞ' and idvoras = '0' order by convert(int,pcode )"
End If
End If
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
rs.Open sqlStr, cn
Report.Database.SetDataSource rs, , 1
CRViewer91.ReportSource = Report
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
'End If
End Sub
Problem :
when sql query use diffrent columns to be select and that cuse the null problem in crystal report 9 , how can i set default value for null ?
in vb6& crystal report 9