I'm trying to create a class to hold a variable number of items (which are themselves another class object).
So, I have Class 2:
' Class 2 contain each individual quote elements (OTC and MRC) Private pOTC As String Private pMRC As String Public Property Get OTC() As String OTC = pOTC End Property Public Property Let OTC(Value As String) pOTC = Value End Property Public Property Get MRC() As String MRC = pMRC End Property Public Property Let MRC(Value As String) pMRC = Value End Property
Then Class 1 contains an array of Class 2:
Private pCurr As String Private pQuote(20) As Class2 Public Property Get Curr() As String Curr = pCurr End Property Public Property Let Curr(Value As String) pCurr = Value End Property Public Property Set Quote(Index As Integer, cQuote As Class2) Set pQuote(Index) = cQuote End Property Public Property Get Quote(Index As Integer) As Class2 Quote = pQuote(Index) End Property
And what I would like to do is something like:
Dim myQuotes As Class1 Set myQuotes = New Class1 myQuotes.Curr = "GBP" myQuotes.Quote(3).OTC = "1200"
The first line setting myQuotes.Curr is no problem, however when I try to set a value inside the array the next line errors with Run-time 91 Object variable or With block variable not set
Any pointers as to what I'm doing wrong and how can I set the values for the elements within the class array?
Thanks in advance!