I am trying to get meta-data of all built-in Clojure functions.
In previous question I've learned that this can be achieved using something like ^#'func_name
(get the var object's meta data). But I didn't manage to do it programmatically, where func-name is not known in advance.
For example trying to get the metadata of the last function in clojure.core:
user=> (use 'clojure.contrib.ns-utils)
user=> (def last-func (last (vars clojure.core)))
user=> last-func
;The real metadata (zipmap is hardcoded)
user=> ^#'zipmap
{:ns #<Namespace clojure.core>, :name zipmap, :file "clojure/core.clj", :line 1661, :arglists ([keys vals]), :doc "Returns a map .."}
;Try to get programmatically, but get shit
user=> ^#'last-func
{:ns #<Namespace user>, :name last-func, :file "NO_SOURCE_PATH", :line 282}
How can it be done? I tried numerous variations already, but nothing does the trick.