I wrote 2 days ago to ask about andConditions and it appeared that I didn't understand the idea but the fact is that for two days now I am stuck with the next step using CakeDC:
How do I implement complex HABTM conditions in "query" methods for CakeDC search plugin?
I have Offer HABTM Feature (tables: offers, features, features_offers) and the below works just fine when used in controller:
debug($this->Offer->find('all', array('contain' => array(
'Feature' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'Feature.id in (8, 10)',
The problem comes when I want to use the same conditions in the search:
public $filterArgs = array(
array('name' => 'feature_id', 'type' => 'query', 'method' => 'findByFeatures'),
public function findByFeatures($data = array()) {
$conditions = '';
$featureID = $data['feature_id'];
if (isset($data['feature_id'])) {
$conditions = array('contain' => array(
'Feature' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'Feature.id' => $data['feature_id'],
return $conditions;
I get an error:
Error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'contain' in 'where clause'
which makes me think that I cannot perform this search and/or use containable behavior in searches at all.
Can someone with more experience in the field please let me know if I am missing something or point me to where exactly to find a solution for that - perhaps a section in the cookbook?
EDIT: Also tried the joins. This works perfectly fine in the controller, returning all the data I need:
$options['joins'] = array(
array('table' => 'features_offers',
'alias' => 'FeaturesOffers',
'type' => 'inner',
'conditions' => array(
'Offer.id = FeaturesOffers.offer_id'
array('table' => 'features',
'alias' => 'F',
'type' => 'inner',
'conditions' => array(
'F.id = FeaturesOffers.feature_id'
$options['conditions'] = array(
'feature_id in (13)' //. $data['feature_id']
debug($this->Offer->find('all', $options));
... and when I try to put in the search method I get the returned conditions only in the where clause of the SQL
WHERE ((joins = (Array)) AND (conditions = ('feature_id in Array')))
...resulting in error:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'joins' in 'where clause'
EDIT: Maybe I am stupid and sorry to say that but the documentation of the plugin sucks a ton.
I double, triple and quadruple checked (btw, have lost already 30 hours at least on 1 filed of the search form facepalm) and the stupid findByTags from the documentation still doesn't make any sense to me.
public function findByTags($data = array()) {
$this->Tagged->Behaviors->attach('Containable', array('autoFields' => false));
$query = $this->Tagged->getQuery('all', array(
'conditions' => array('Tag.name' => $data['tags']),
'fields' => array('foreign_key'),
'contain' => array('Tag')
return $query;
As I understand it
is supposed to be the name of the model of the HABTM association.
This is quite far from the standards of cakePHP though: http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/models/associations-linking-models-together.html#hasandbelongstomany-habtm
The way it is described here, says that you don't need another model but rather you associate Recipe with Ingredient as shown below:
class Recipe extends AppModel {
public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Ingredient' =>
'className' => 'Ingredient',
'joinTable' => 'ingredients_recipes',
'foreignKey' => 'recipe_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'ingredient_id',
'unique' => true,
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => '',
'limit' => '',
'offset' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
'deleteQuery' => '',
'insertQuery' => ''
meaning that you can access the HABTM assoc table data from Recipe without needing to define model "IngredientRecipe".
And according to cakeDC documentation the model you need is IngredientRecipe and that is not indicated as something obligatory in the cakePHP documentation. Even if this model is created the HABTM assoc doesn't work properly with it - I tried this as well.
And now I need to re-write the search functionality in my way, using only cakePHP even though I spent already 30 hours on it... so unhappy. :(