I am trying to integrate jersey to an existing Spring application (Spring 2.5.5). Jersey is working fine, but however when I AutoWire an existing spring bean, the object is null. Below is my web.xml
And, here my application context xml (obviously this is not complete, since this is a huge application, there is much more bean definitions): TestPojo is my bean I would like to autowire to my jersey resource.
<context:annotation-config />
<context:component-scan base-package="com.fl.fs3.api,com.fl.fs3.integration.*.web"/>
Both my jersey resource class and POJO class is in package com.fl.fs3.api
public class SitesApiControllerV1 {
@Autowired TestPojo testPojo;
public Response getSite(@PathParam("folderName") String folderName) {
System.out.println("pojo obj:" + testPojo);
return Response.ok("info for " + folderName).build();
public class TestPojo {
When I start my tomcat, I do not see the expected line in logs:
INFO: Registering Spring bean, hello, of type ..... as a root resource class
When I invoke my service /v1/site/xyz
, testPojo object is null.
However, before integrating this to my existing project, I did a sample jersey+spring application, and it worked perfectly. I was able to see 'Registering Spring bean' line in logs.
Any help is appreciated.
. – user1907906