I've got a cakephp app that I'm trying to get to serve up the Pages::404
function (and corresponding view) whenever Cake encounters any error (missing controller, action, etc).
What's the best way to do that?
Cake automatically throws a 404 error for missing methods or controllers. While in debug mode, this error takes the form of a detailed error message containing instructions, like:
Missing Controller
Error: FooController could not be found.
Error: Create the class FooController below in file: > app/controllers/foo_controller.php
Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/views/errors/missing_controller.ctp
In production mode (debug = 0
) the message just looks like this:
Not Found
Error: The requested address '/foo' was not found on this server.
These error pages are defined in cake/libs/view/errors/
. As the message in debug mode says, you can create your own, custom error pages (using the same name as the ones in the cake/
directory) in app/views/errors/
If you want to execute a custom function on errors, you'll best put it in the AppError
Controller as described in Error Handling.
Step 1:In app_controller.php add two functions
function _setErrorLayout() {
if ($this->name == 'CakeError') {
$this->layout = 'error';
function beforeRender () {
Step2: In views\layouts\
create error.ctp
containing echo $content_for_layout;
step:3 In views\errors\
make missing_action.ctp
and customize the page as you need
my PHP code was:
echo $html->image('404-not-found-1-3.jpg');
Are you in the controller when you are trying to redirect to the 404 error page?
Well if that is the case, you can walk around the problem like this:
Copy and paste the error layout (error404.ctp) from the cake core library directory into yours app/views/errors/
Then add the following line whenever you encounter an error inside a controller.
Oh, another way to handle this is to edit the routes.php file in app/config
CakePHP Official site Routes-Configuration
I don't have a working copy of CakePHP at the moment, so I would just describe the basic logic here(what you can do inside the routes.php file)
Redirect traffic with specific url patterns(say, http://yourwebsite/validController/validFunction/validParam) to their corresponding destinations respectively. Redirect all other traffic (missing controller, model, view, etc) to 404 page.
Hope that helps:)