This question is an outgrowth of MatLab (or any other language) to convert a matrix or a csv to put 2nd column values to the same row if 1st column value is the same?
A = [2 3 234 ; 2 44 33; 2 12 22; 3 123 99; 3 1232 45; 5 224 57]
1st column | 2nd column | 3rd column
2 3 234
2 44 33
2 12 22
3 123 99
3 1232 45
5 224 57
then running
[U ix iu] = unique(A(:,1) );
r= accumarray( iu, A(:,2:3), [], @(x) {x'} )
will show me the error
Error using accumarray
Second input VAL must be a vector with one element for each row in SUBS, or a
I want to make
1st col | 2nd col | 3rd col | 4th col | 5th col | 6th col| 7th col
2 3 234 44 33 12 22
3 123 99 1232 45
5 224 57
I know how to do it using for and if, but that spends too much time for big data.
How can I do this?
Thank you in advance!