
Struts tag <s:submit> and Struts jQuery tag <sj:submit> both submit in the same way. I mean, they refresh the page and forward to another to page. But I thought Struts jQuery tag implemented Ajax so the page should not be change while submitting. Am I correct?

I have implemented both tags in form, while submitting both are working same way.

<s:form action="part!list" >
  <s:submit  action="part" method="list" />

<s:form action="part!list" >
  <sj:submit />

If I use <sj:submit> it works, but I add some struts tag button <s:submit> in the same form then it doesn't work. So, Struts tag won't work?


3 Answers


Just add id attribute in the form tag and targets attribute in the <sj:submit> tag.

<s:form id="myForm" action="part!list">
  <sj:submit targets="result"/>

You have probably forgot to include <sj:head/> tag in the body of the <head>. This tag links JQuery stylesheet onto the page and other initial things, without it Ajax call is not made. See examples of correct submitting SubmitTag.

If you make an Ajax call via <sj:submit> the page should not refresh but the targets could be updated on successful result. If didn't include JQuery in the head of the page I don't think the form make any of the HTTP requests, it's behaving like you are not included the action attribute.


You should use <s:submit/> if there is not a requirement to trigger a ajax call. <s:submit/> uses the html mechanism to submit a form, but <sj:submit /> is making an ajax call, check out the source HERE, it explains how it works. If you need this form to make an ajax call, then just like @AleksandrM said, define the attribute targets = "result", then you should have something like <div id="result"/>, which contains the result of the ajax call.