Hopefully I'm missing something simple... I'm trying to do something basic in that I want a view's attribute hash to update automatically when the model changes.
If you look at the attributes: section, you can see how i'm trying to dynamically set them. However, they don't seem to be updating with the underlying model changes.
Any ideas? Thank you!
NS.CP.ColorView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.model.bind('change', this.render);
attributes: function(){
return {
'class': (this.model.get('active') == 'true') ? 'active' : '',
'data-code': this.model.get('modifier'),
'data-hex': this.model.get('color'),
'data-image': this.model.get('image'),
'data-match': this.model.get('matchBody'),
'style': 'background-color: ' + this.model.get('color')
events: {
'click': 'renderFrame',
'activate': 'activate',
'deactivate': 'deactivate'
tagName: 'li',
render: function(){
var $el = this.$el;
if( this.model.get('active') == 'true' && $el.closest('.model_colorpicker').hasClass('body-colors') ){
// Change border color on click
$('.color-frame').css( 'border-color', $el.data('hex') );
return this.el;
activate: function(){
this.model.set('active', 'true');
deactivate: function(){
this.model.set('active', 'false');
renderFrame: function(){
if( !this.$el.hasClass('active') ){ this.$el.trigger('activate').siblings().trigger('deactivate'); }
else { this.$el.trigger('deactivate'); }